Women’s Health Questionnaire

Women's Health Questionnaire

MM slash DD slash YYYY
When did your problem first begin?
Was your first episode of the problem related to a specific incident?
Since that time is it: staying the
Activities/events that cause or aggravate your symptoms.Check/circle all that apply
How has your lifestyle/quality of life been altered/changed because of this problem?
Since the onset of your current symptoms have you had:
Unexplained weight change
Unexplained muscle weakness
Change in bowel
Numbness / Tingling
Other /describe
Health History
General Health
General Health
Mental Health
Current level of stress
Current psych therapy?
Have you ever had any of the following conditions or diagnoses? circle all that apply
Surgical /Procedure History
Surgery for your back/spine
Surgery for your bladder
Surgery for your brain
Surgery for your bones
Surgery for your female organs
Surgery for your abdominal organs
Ob/Gyn History (females only)
Childbirth vaginal deliveries#
Vaginal dryness
Painful periods
Menopause - when?
Difficult childbirth
Painful vaginal penetration
Prolapse or organ falling out
Pelvic pain
Males only
Prostate disorders
Erectile dysfunction
Shy bladder
Painful ejaculation
Pelvic pain
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Pelvic Symptom Questionnaire
Bladder / Bowel Habits / Problems
Trouble initiating urine stream
Blood in urine
Urinary intermittent
Painful urination
Trouble emptying bladder
Trouble feeling bladder urge
Difficulty stopping urine the stream
Current laxative use
Trouble emptying bladder completely
Trouble feeling bowel/urge/fullness
Straining or pushing to empty bladder
Dribbling after urination
Trouble holding back gas
Constant urine leakage
Recurrent bladder infections
Frequency of urination
When you have a normal urge to urinate, how long can you delay before you have to go to the toilet?
The usual amount of urine passed is:
Frequency of bowel movements:
When you have an urge to have a bowel movement, how long can you delay before you have to go to the toilet?
Skip questions if no leakage/incontinence