Massage Client Intake Form

Request An Appointment

Please fill out this form and
we will contact you about scheduling.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Have you ever had a professional massage before?
Do you have a style or pressure preference?
Back Pain
Pinched Nerves
Headaches / Migraines
Tumors / Cysts
Skin Disorders / Sensitive Skin
Do you wear contacts:
Are you presently under the care of a physician?
Draping: LA law requires keeping the unclothed body properly draped at all times. This is necessary for your warmth and sense of ease as well as a mark of professionalism.
Release and Consent: I understand that the massage I will be receiving here is for the purpose of stress reduction and relief from muscular tension or spasm. I understand that massage is not a substitute for medical treatment. I know and agree that Magnolia Physical Therapy, LLC is not responsible for loss or damage to personal items. I hereby freely give permission to be managed. I agree and understand that I am responsible to immediately inform the massage therapist of any pain or unusual sensitivity during the massage or prior to receiving massage in the future. If you have been diagnosed with cancer or any other severe medical conditions we require a written Physician’s release. I understand that payment is due at the time services are rendered and that massage therapy here at Magnolia Physical Therapy is an out of pocket expense which is not covered by insurance.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY