As we all know, our country is dealing with an opioid crisis. Prescription medication addiction is expected to affect 11.5 million people in the United States. If this statistic scares you, it should – this is a severe problem. We shouldn’t take it lightly.This is a scary moment, but there is a way out. Physical
If we were the betting type, we’d guess most of the people reading this are sitting down right now. It’s not a wild stretch of the imagination—most Americans spend around 12 hours per day sitting. Unfortunately, this kind of excessive sedentary behavior has been linked with an increased risk for chronic disease and early death.
If there’s one thing that you can count on a physical therapist introducing into every session, it’s stretching. Yes, building strength and endurance are important. But whether you’re an athlete, or someone coping with the aches and pains of aging, increasing your flexibility through stretching is crucial. Read on to learn more about some of
Too many of us have an all-or-nothing attitude when it comes to staying fit. We’re too “slammed” at work for the gym, or our kids’ activities are keeping us in the car — and off the track — for long hours. Yet, there are a few basic elements you can add into your daily life
Many of us would rather dive back under the blankets than begin the morning with pre-ordained tasks. Yet adding a few new habits to your morning routine is painless, and will get your day off to a great start. Of course, if you need more help with truly painless mornings, give us a call —
Picture yourself at work. Hunched over a keyboard, clicking away on a mouse, answering the phone, or having meetings, the most moving around you are likely to do is to and from the copy machine. It is no surprise that our sedentary jobs are causing fatigue and stiffness, both mentally and physically. Fortunately, having a
What you put in your mouth can make your aches and pains worse. Like they say, “You are what you eat.” There are many foods that can cause inflammation and actually result in pain. Eating a healthier diet can help you feel better, without those nagging aches and pains. Foods To Say No To While
Growing older is filled with change and new challenges to be confronted. For many, these changes often involve coping with a decrease in athletic performance and abilities. However, just because you’re growing older doesn’t mean you still can’t enjoy an active lifestyle. If you are someone who is in their 50’s and 60’s, here are