Lumbar radiculopathy, commonly referred to as sciatica, is a common condition that many people experience. It occurs as a result of irritation to the sciatic nerve, which is the largest nerve of the...
Physical Therapy
Get Back to Your Daily Life Quicker with Pre-hab
It is common knowledge that post-surgical rehabilitation is necessary following almost any surgical procedure. This rehab is performed after surgery as a way to enhance the recovery process and help...
Do you sit at a desk most of the day? Here’s how to stay active during the 9-5!
If we were the betting type, we’d guess most of the people reading this are sitting down right now. It’s not a wild stretch of the imagination—most Americans spend around 12 hours per day sitting....
Decrease Your Pain and Increase Your Energy with These 5 Easy Tips
Are you looking for a way to relieve your aches and pains so you can get back to living your life comfortably? If so, our treatment services can greatly benefit you! Our dedicated physical...
Improve Your Health, Strength, and Physical Activity with These 4 Simple Tips!
It’s not always easy to be active. We’ve all been there – letting the dumbbells collect dust in the garage, throwing the yoga mat in the storage closet, constantly walking by the running shoes...
How to Improve Your Balance By Increasing Your Core Strength
The relationship between core strength and balance is something that has been widely discussed within the physical therapy field for several years. Your trunk contains multiple core muscles that...
Treat Your Back and Neck Pain with Our Advanced PT Methods
Did you know that studies say approximately 90% of people will be plagued by back or neck pain at some point in their lives? While it is a common complaint, it can sometimes be difficult to...
The Top 5 Ways Proper Posture can Help Alleviate Back Pain
Everyone has heard the importance of sitting or standing up straight. However, maintaining proper posture at all hours of the day is usually easier said than done. Many people experience back pain...
Frustrated by your chronic joint pain? See how physical therapy can help relieve arthritis pain.
Do your joints hurt all the time? You just may have chronic joint pain. Call us today to schedule an appointment with one of our physical therapists. We’ll help alleviate your joint pain. What Is...
The Top 5 Best Ways Therapeutic Massage Will Benefit an Athlete
Any athlete will understand the importance of maintaining their health in order to keep up with the physical demands of their sport. If you’ve recently sustained an injury, it is important to make...