Have you suffered from an injury or accident that has left you in pain 90% of the time? Do you depend on drugs like oxycodone or hydrocodone just to make it through your day? Have you ever found...
Physical Therapy
Do You Know The Differences Between Sprains and Strains?
Does this scenario sound familiar to you? You’re walking down the sidewalk, not really paying much attention to where you’re going when your ankle slips off the curb. You feel an immediate twinge of...
Find out how proper nutrition can actually reduce aches and pains
Try to remember what you ate yesterday. Have you ever wondered if your dietary choices are affecting the achiness and stiffness that make your daily activities more difficult? Believe it or not, the...
Want To Know The Secret To Decreasing Pain And Increasing Energy?
You know how limiting pain can be if you live with it. Fortunately, you can reduce your discomfort while raising your energy levels by making simple lifestyle modifications. When you combine these...
Does That Pain In Your Back Require Medical Attention? A Physical Therapist Could Help!
Did you know that the sciatic nerve is the human body’s longest nerve? It runs from the lower back down the legs and finally to the feet. Sciatica sufferers often describe their pain as “shooting...
Get Ready To Toss Your Drugs In The Trash With Physical Therapy
As we all know, our country is dealing with an opioid crisis. Prescription medication addiction is expected to affect 11.5 million people in the United States. If this statistic scares you, it...
Do You Play Sports? Therapeutic Massage Can Help You Perform Better
You’re well aware of the commitment required if you’re an athlete. It’s no secret that substantial training is necessary, whether you’re preparing for a significant game, competition, concert, or...
Sick of sciatica? What you can do at home to relieve your sciatica pain?
Sciatica is one of the most common back pain complaints in the country. Yet few patients truly understand what sciatica is or what can be done at home to help relieve the persistent, often radiating...
Physical Therapy Can Help You Get Rid of Shoulder Pain Naturally
Did you know that your shoulders are the most flexible joints in your body? They’re made up of a variety of muscles, tendons, and bones, and they’re highly complicated. They are what allow you to...
Physical Therapy Can Help Ease Pain In Your Back and Neck
Back and neck pain can occur for a variety of causes. Back pain can be caused by anything that causes the structure of the spine to alter, such as lumbar disc herniation, lumbar degenerative disc...