Physical Therapy

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How PT Can Reduce the Need for Opioids

How PT Can Reduce the Need for Opioids

With unintentional drug overdoses on a sharp increase within the U.S., more medical professionals are seeking treatment options that don’t carry the risk of painkiller addiction. Certainly, reducing...

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Overcome Knee and Hip Pain

The knee joint is the second most complicated joint in the body and has to move in many directions. The knee and hip work in tandem allowing you to walk, run, squat and kneel. When either your hip,...

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Does My Herniated Disk Require Surgery?

It’s a condition that goes by several names including slipped disk, or herniated disk. Whatever it is called, if you’re suffering from it, it’s likely causing pain. Let’s briefly look at the anatomy...

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Where Your Pain Is Coming From

If you are suffering from aches or pains, here are some important questions that can help you determine the root cause of the problem: How long have you had your pain?For example, acute low back...

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Answers and Advice for Low Back Pain

According to the 2012 American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Low Back Pain Survey, 61% of Americans said they have experienced low back pain, and of those, 69% felt it has affected their daily...

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