If you have plantar fasciitis, that first morning step is a bad wake up call. Needle-like pain shoots from the heel and it feels like the bottom of the heel is stretching and tearing, and that’s...
Natural Treatment
Our Patients Get Great Results
Straight from our patients. While we were honored to have Gambit readers select our practice as the “Best Place in New Orleans to Get Physical Therapy,” (sorry, but you’ll have to scroll down), we...
5 Ways to Avoid Joint Pain
Do you find your joints aching for no apparent reason? Even small aches and pains are your body’s way of telling you something is not working and should not be ignored. According to a Centers for...
Tested Tips for Relieving Neck Pain Now
When your neck hurts, nothing feels right. We generally take our necks for granted until movement is restricted, and pain hits us anytime we move. Ashley Johnston, DPT, says the key to treating neck...
Are Your Hips Killing Your Back?
Are you like many people, with an aching back at the end of the day or worried about lifting an object due to your back going out? You are not alone, over 80% of the population will suffer back pain...
Natural Ways to Relieve Arthritis Pain
Do you find your knees or hips hurting after sitting for too long? Has bending or squatting become difficult or even painful? This is a common complaint of people with knee or hip osteoarthritis....
Restorative Yoga: Relaxing and Healing
Magnolia Yoga Instructor Lauren Best Shapiro “I didn’t think yoga was for me.” This is something Magnolia yoga instructor Lauren Best Shapiro has heard many times from people taking her restorative...
How to Relieve Back and Neck Pain With a Healthy Spine
Do you suffer from aching back pain, nagging neck pain or even headaches? Having a healthy spine can prevent these types of problems. Your spine is a complicated structure of vertebrae, discs,...
Pushup Challenge: Vet Raising Money for Veterans
(Magnolia’s Jarrod Brown, who served in Iraq) What’s this guy up to? Jarrod Brown, MPT’s vice president of administration, knows the challenges that many U.S. military service members and their...
Over 40 with Back Pain: Questions and Answers
Often we think of back pain as inevitable as grey hair or a growing waistline. While it’s true that most Americans will experience back pain sometime in their lives, what you do about that pain will...