Do you find yourself sitting for the majority of the day? If you work at an office where you are confined to a cubicle, you may end up sitting for up to 10 hours a day. Not to mention going home and...
stretching routine
Don’t let TMJ Ruin Your Day! Get the Help You Deserve
Hearing and feeling your jaw click isn’t comforting. On the contrary, it can be downright painful. Yet it is a constant reality for over 10 million Americans, who suffer with temporomandibular joint...
Treating Arthritis Pain Without The Meds
Arthritis is a catch-all term used to describe more than 100 different kinds of joint pain and joint disease. While arthritis is commonly believed to be a condition that afflicts the elderly, the...
Tired of Lower Back Pain? Here’s What To Do:
Low back pain is the nemesis of many. That familiar ache can limit time spent working, relaxing, and enjoying life. It can lead to irritability and a whole host of other health problems. And, yet,...
Reduce Pain and Inflammation Through Nutrition
Internal inflammation can wreak havoc with your health. You may already be seeing a physical therapist for inflammation-related health issues, such as arthritis. Whether you have a specific...
Start Your Day Right With These 3 Simple Steps
Many of us would rather dive back under the blankets than begin the morning with pre-ordained tasks. Yet adding a few new habits to your morning routine is painless, and will get your day off to a...
7 Simple Ways To Stay Active
Too many of us have an all-or-nothing attitude when it comes to staying fit. We’re too “slammed” at work for the gym, or our kids’ activities are keeping us in the car — and off the track — for long...
How to Find Relief from Stress-Related Headaches
How to Find Relief from Stress-Related Headaches Headaches are the third most common pain complaint throughout the world. They are debilitating and can greatly impact a person’s quality of life....
5 Reasons Why You Need to Start Stretching
If there’s one thing that you can count on a physical therapist introducing into every session, it’s stretching. Yes, building strength and endurance are important. But whether you’re an athlete, or...
Arthritis Pain Sufferers – This Blog is for You!
Arthritis is a joint disorder, which features inflammation, pain and stiffness. There is also often a loss in movement with arthritis, as the joints are too inflamed to move. When only a single...